CVBNC Strategic Plan
Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre (CVBNC) is an incorporated, community-based, not-for-profit organisation governed by a volunteer Committee of Management.
Our Vision
The people of the Cann Valley district will reach their full potential in good health, well-being and independence, whilst acknowledging the changing demographics in terms of age and socio-economic status.
Our Role
As a remote nursing service, the CVBNC is a one-stop shop and single point of access for the community to multi-disciplinary, innovative primary care and community-based services. This includes 24 hour to immediate response care. The centre also acts as a referral hub for Allied Health and numerous specialties.
Strategic Goals
To be a respected, functional and viable organisation.
Ensure that our community has access to quality healthcare.
To value and support our people.
Core Principles
Adaptable: Ensure we have the flexibility and adaptability to react and respond positively to the changing environment and demands placed on the service.
Person-Centred: We will ensure that we place our consumers and the community in the centre of our decision-making and engage individuals in all aspects of healthcare delivery.
Collaborative: We will strive for the deliver of state-of-the-art, evidence-based services by providing an environment that enhances creativity.
Integrity: We will act with the highest regard to honesty, reliability and transparency to ensure measurable community trust.