Staff & Volunteers
Marija Mrsic
Nurse Centre Manager/Remote Area Nurse. With almost 20 years of nursing experience (10 years n remote area nursing), Marija is passionate about nursing in the bush and all that it entails. Delivering and developing the best access to care and services is what Marija sees as a priority for the Cann Valley community. Marija and her family live in the lovely valley of Noorinbee and enjoy the natural beauty the area has to offer.
Therese Burke
Registered Nurse.
Isobelle Slater
Registered Nurse.
Andrew Mason
Registered Nurse
Tammy Stephenson
Chrystal Hall
Bianca Findlay
Reception and Administration
Rebecca Renaut
Home Care Services
Planned Activity Group Coordinator -
Maria Taylor
Environmental Services.
Adrian Nation
Property Maintenance
Iain Godsman
Property Maintenance
Alice Searle
Home Care Services
Bronwyn Standfield
Home Care Services
Client Transport Services
Client Home Care
Rebecca Renaut - Coordinator
Alice Searle
Bronwyn Standfield
Carole Morcomb
Jill Filmer
Jolanta Wawrzyniak
Planned Activity Coordinator
Rebecca Renaut
Man Cave Coordinator
Client Property Maintenance
Adrian Nation
Iain Godsman